The fresh Mimitimbi River runs through the property welcoming you home with its gentle sound. Our natural springs and year round flowing river, make sure there will never be a shortage of water, the basic element for survival, beauty and fun. There are many environmental treasures we plan on protecting at Ecoquest. Living peacefully inside nature is our number one goal! Designated trails and paths will protect the areas wildlife. Lighting will be eliminated on the beach during turtle nesting season to protect our precious annual visitors. T
Ecoquest will have Picnic tables, gentle paths and benches you can walk to. Paths will connect to the fitness trail, lazy river and adventure.
We encourage a "Caribbean, Island or Key West Style" when building homes and plan on a tasteful island decor as pictured in our slide show. Cross ventilation and other island building methods can be used to reduce energy consumption. Recycling and reusing items even as art, will be utilized to reduce our footprint at Ecoquest. Outside ideas and educators welcome.
We will not allow the use of Round-Up or any other harmful chemicals to be sprayed at Ecoquest. Natural insect means can be used to prevent insects in your home. Thanks.
Many artists have turned items like glass bottles into works of art. We plan on inviting artists to Ecoquest for arts and craft classes. We may even have a musician play some island music at our exclusive "Beach Parties". Ecoquest is a community that will excite and stimulate both the body and mind.
Our Mission:
Our mission is to have a secure beautiful community inside a sustainable peaceful neighborhood with fresh food, adventure and unspoiled beauty at every place you look. Home sites will be linked to farming so tax incentives are possible. We have several highly recommended upscale builders available to build your dream home with energy conservation in harmony with comfort. Solar electricity is a cost effective way to live in comfort off of the grid. As Drago grows there will be the back up option of city electric.
A private gated road leads to the paved "Drago" road connecting to both the restaurants and water sports at Star Fish Beach or going to town with nightlife, transportation, medical care, boats to other islands or a plane ride to Panama City and the rest of the world.
Cameras and several GSM Solar Alarm systems will be located through out the property including at all homes and out parcels. Our area in Drago is very safe and we work very well with the local property owners but we do like added security for medical or other emergencies.